The Energetics of Summer Nutrition in Chinese Medicine

In TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) the Summer season corresponds to the Fire element and its associated officials are the Heart and Small Intestine. Being the longest day, Summer Solstice marks the most yang day of the year.

This is the very peak before we descend into the cooler months. As the seasons change so should our diets to complement the energetics of nature around us.

Because nature is in its full expression of yang, we have more Fire energy available to us. We are able to stay up later and wake up earlier with the Sun and have more energy and desire to socialize.

Our digestive Fire is more active meaning we are able to eat harder to digest foods such as raw fruits and veggies, salads and lightly steamed foods. In the Summer months our body is producing more Qi (Chee) and blood so we need less heavy rich foods and more lighter refreshing foods.

Incorporating foods with a thermal cooling nature can help keep the body cool in the Summer heat.

Foods such as:

  • Sprouts

  • Seasonal fruits

  • Cucumber

  • Tofu

  • Watermelon

  • Coconut water

  • Mung bean

  • Lemon & Limes


Bitter foods clear heat and nourish the Heart. Try incorporating:

  • Dark leafy greens

  • Arugula

  • Dandelion

  • Chicory root

Teas such as mint, chamomile & chrysanthemum

It is important to avoid over consumption of frozen and chilled foods such as ice cream and iced drinks. This can impair our digestive fire and weaken our digestion leading to the formation of dampness. This can cause bloating, gas, low appetite and loose bowel movements.

Most importantly the emotion that corresponds to the Fire element is joy and love, it is through our relationships that we are able to feel and express this highest expression of the Heart. Make sure to gather, eat and laugh with loved ones.

Kait Schmidek

As a website designer & self-proclaimed problem solver, I take the complicated out of bringing your website to life.